IREDA's Big Step in Renewable Energy: An Easy Guide to Their Latest IPO

The IREDA, a company in India's renewable energy sector, is selling shares to the public. They are offering over 671 million shares, each priced at ₹10, making the total value around ₹2,150.21 Crores.

How Much for Each Share?

Share Price: You can buy these shares for between ₹30 and ₹32 each.

Types of Shares on Offer:

New and Old Shares: There are two types of shares being sold. About 403 million are new shares, and around 269 million are being sold by the Indian government. Together, these are worth about ₹2,150.21 crore.

Who Can Buy?

Buyer Categories: The sale is divided into parts: 35% for regular people like you and me, 50% for big institutional buyers, and 15% for wealthy individuals.

Company's Worth

Market Value: At the highest share price, IREDA would be worth about ₹8,600.85 crore.

How Much to Invest?

Minimum Buy: If you want to invest, you need to buy at least 460 shares, costing at least ₹14,720.

When Can You Buy?

IPO Dates: The shares will be available for purchase from November 21, 2023, to November 23, 2023.

Why It Matters?

This IPO is a big deal for IREDA and shows the growing interest in renewable energy in India. It follows another major IPO by the LIC last year.

In simpler terms, IREDA is offering a chance to buy shares in their renewable energy company. The share prices are reasonable, and there's a set amount you need to buy if interested. This event is quite significant in the world of sustainable energy in India. It's always good to think it over carefully before investing in such opportunities!